The Basic Rules of Volleyball

Here are the very basic rules of volleyball.
  • Team Composition. Each team must be composed of 6 players. Three to be called back row players and the other three as front row players.
  • Court Size. The playing court is a 9m by 18m rectangle so each team has a court size of 9m by 9m. An attack line is drawn 3m from and parallel to the line that divides the two courts.
  • Net Height. FIVB sets the net height of 2.43m for male and 2.24m for female competitions.
  • Scoring System. The game follows the rally point scoring system where a team scores for each time that the opposing team make an error.
With this in mind, you may start playing volleyball. A complete set of rules can be found here.

The Five Basic Skils of Volleyball

Anyone aspiring to become a volleyball player must be able to master the five basic skills of volleyball: serving, passing, setting, spiking and blocking. Nobody, except for the libero, may be called an excellent volleyball player unless he masters all of these five skills.

Volleyball: The History of the Game


Volleyball was invented by William G. Morgan in 1895. Then called mintonette, Morgan blended the elements of basketball, baseball, tennis and handball to come up with a game with a lesser physical contact than basketball but still requires athletic effort.